What is the Role of the Desiccant Rotor in the Food Industry?

Views: 120     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-10-28      Origin: Site

The processing and storage of food have strict requirements on air quality, temperature and humidity of environment. Therefore, in the process of food production and storage, dehumidifiers are necessary. This article will briefly introduce the role of desiccant rotor in the food industry.

Candies will stick together if exposed to high-humidity air during manufacturing, they will mold and crumble as well. Broken candy will lead to blockages in machinery and pipes.

Instant coffee granules are easy to adsorb moisture in humid air, so they must be packaged in low humidity conditions so that when a consumer opens the product, it remains dry and not mortify.

For the meat and frozen food industries, excess moisture can also cause food contamination.

In general, moisture-proof work in food processing industry is of great importance.

The working environment of food processing needs to be kept in low-temperature and dry. Dehumidifiers have grown to be crucial in the food industry. Rotary dehumidifier is suitable for occasions where production process has specific and strict requirements for temperature and humidity.

When moisture is inhaled by the rotary dehumidifier, it goes through the process area of the rotor, where is used to remove moisture. As these flow channels rotate to the regeneration area, the moisture in solid absorbent evaporates and then is  discharged to the outside of the dehumidifier. The rotor keeps rotating, dehumidification and regeneration process are carried out continuously to achieve the effect of air drying.

When select a commercial dehumidifier for a food storage facility, many factors should be taken into consideration, such as the actual size of space used, region’s climate environment, air-tightness degree, temperature and humidity requirements of different foods and so on.

If you want to know more about rotary dehumidifiers and desiccant rotors, welcome to browse more on the website and feel free to contact us for more product information.