What are the Advantages of an Activated Desiccant Dehumidifying Rotor?

Views: 144     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-11-18      Origin: Site

Puresci is the world's leading independent desiccant rotor and desiccant rotor cassette manufacturer. Since its inception, our company has been using internationally leading dehumidification and adsorption technology. As a trusted partner, we produce high-tech dehumidification equipment that enjoys an excellent reputation in the market. Several cost-effective desiccant rotor produced by our company are popular in the market today. In the last few years, thousands of desiccant rotors have been installed on many countries.

The rotor is the most important component of a dehumidifier. A reliable, stable, and efficient rotor can effectively extend the life of a dehumidifier. Compared with traditional desiccant rotor, desiccant rotors using active substances as raw materials have better water absorption and higher availability.

The Silica gel is able to consistently balance the vapor content in the air without being affected by temperature or pressure. Professionally, this is due to the controlled presence of silica gel material in a corrugated grid structure in the activated silica gel dehumidification rotor, which makes air purification more efficient and adsorbs pollution while controlling humidity. The material with a highly active component has very stable chemical properties, and this stability can be used in most environments and applications.

The desiccant rotors produced by our company are leading the industry in terms of performance. First of all, every desiccant rotor on the official website uses the highest quality absorbent medium. Secondly, we manufacture rotors of various diameters and thickness that can meet different requirements. Finally, the rotor of our dehumidifiers applies the most advanced air double circulation principle available and the rotor has high adsorption properties.

Compared to other products, our desiccant rotors do not use acids in the preparation of the media or any combustion process in the manufacturing process, so the media is relatively stronger. This is an advantage that is unique to us. Additionally, high-quality desiccant rotors are selected with an active silica material, so desiccant rotors always maintain neutral pH values. Neutral substrates of non-acidic construction can handle corrosive and aggressive air better than any known desiccant dehumidification substrates.

We have a wide range of desiccant rotor options such as desiccant rotor dehumidification systems and a low temperature regeneration range specifically designed for the food manufacturing. In addition, for commercial fresh air handling applications, we have a patented product, a passive desiccant rotor based on indoor return air regeneration. In terms of performance, our desiccant rotors are superior to those of any other company on the market.

In addition to rotor manufacturing, as a professional rotor manufacturer, we also offer rotor cassette in a variety of diameters. The welded stainless steel construction of these components and their excellent leak-proofness ensure that there is no steam leakage even under high pressure. By supplying fresh air to the room with the rotor, moisture can be removed smoothly. Click on our website and pick a good rotor for yourself!