What are the Advantages of Silica Gel Adsorption Desiccant Rotors?

Views: 109     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-11-09      Origin: Site

As a healthy and environmentally friendly mechanical ventilation equipment, the water absorption of the material must be taken into account when designing the dehumidification system. There are many types of dehumidifiers on the market today, including whirlpool dehumidifiers, pump dehumidifiers, and wall-mounted dehumidifiers.


In the industrial sector, the most popular dehumidification equipment available is the desiccant dehumidifier.


Most desiccant dehumidifiers use desiccant material in the form of rotors. As the most important component of a dehumidifier, the quality of the desiccant rotor determines the service life of the equipment. At present, in the dehumidifier production industry, the most suitable desiccant rotor material for industrial applications is silica gel with active ingredients.


Silica gel desiccant rotors were originally designed for use in dehumidifiers and desiccant cooling systems. In these systems, the moisture content of the treated air is very high and needs to be reduced significantly. Silica gel materials with a highly reactive composition have very stable chemical properties, stability that allows them to be used in most environments and applications. For example, our company produces a dehumidifier rotor with a very high molecular sieve content of 37% and a silica gel content of 45% that performs well in the hot incoming air. The rotor also maintains good dehumidification in alkaline air and low dew point environments.


Desiccant rotors made from silica gel material have an alternating flat and corrugated structure, creating a large number of axial air channels running parallel through the structure. Compared to conventional desiccant rotor materials, desiccant wheels with a grid structure have the advantage of being highly absorbent and reusable. And they are able to adsorb contamination while controlling humidity.


Advantages of silica gel desiccant rotor:



1. Fire performance

According to the experimental test of a professional dehumidifier rotor, the silica gel desiccant rotor has reached a flame spread index of 0 and a smoke index of 0. very safe.



2. Unique hygroscopicity

In a humid environment, the silica gel desiccant medium can absorb about 40% of its dry weight as moisture. Compared with traditional motor rotors, silica gel desiccant rotors can adapt to more humid environments. As long as no water droplets enter the rotor during operation, there is no limit to the relative humidity that the rotor can withstand.



3. Washable

When the rotor is saturated in a humid environment, the rotor can be rinsed with water. Usually need to choose a weak alkaline cleaner to clean the rotor.


Choosing the right dry air system can provide you with a comfortable living and working environment. The rotors manufactured by our company have the following advantages: high-strength welded frames, laser cutting with maximum precision, imported seals, etc. All this ensures lower friction and longer working life of rotor dehumidifiers.


As a professional manufacturer, our company produces professional dehumidification equipment to meet any of your needs. You can contact our customer service or click our website to have a look.