The principle and features of rotary dehumidification

Views: 123     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-11-02      Origin: Site

Desiccant rotor dehumidification is widely used in lithium batteries, pharmaceuticals, public buildings, agricultural products and other fields. Puresci has always been the backbone of the desiccant rotor field. This article introduces the principle and feature of rotary dehumidification.


Rotary dehumidifier is a device that uses a rotor made of solid hygroscopic agents to perform rotary dehumidification. When air flows through honeycomb process area in rotor, water vapour is absorbed by absorbent. As these hygroscopic flow channels rotate to regeneration area, moisture in solid absorbent evaporates and is discharged to the outside of desiccant dehumidifier.

In this way, honeycomb-shaped moisture-absorbing agent recovers its dehumidification capacity and then rotated to process area again, so that the process of dehumidification can be carried out continuously.

The main component of rotor dehumidifier is composed of desiccant rotor, gears, cassette, fan, regenerative electric heater and control devices.

In addition to being used for air dehumidification, desiccant rotor can also be used for heat recovery between fresh air and indoor air.

Outdoor fresh air and indoor air flow through rotors respectively. In summer, hot and humid outdoor air passes through rotors, transferring heat and moisture to rotors, and then absorb moisture. Heat is further discharged to the outside through the exhaust air.

As a result, temperature and humidity of fresh air are reduced, full heat recovery between fresh air and indoor air is achieved.

Similarly, in winter, outdoor air and indoor air flow through desiccant rotors in opposite directions. After heat and moisture exchanging, outdoor air becomes warm and humid before entering the room. Whether it is in summer or winter, this process will greatly save energy.


1. No droplet loss from liquid absorbents

Compared with the liquid absorption dehumidifier, solid desiccant rotor has no loss of droplets and liquid. As a result, the moisture adsorbent will not be replaced for preventing corrosion to metal pipes.

2. Continuously obtain dry air with low dew point and low temperature

Solid moisture absorbent has good dehumidification performance, even if it absorbs moisture, its chemical properties will not change, and absorbed moisture can be released simply by heating. Since rotor can keep rotating, dehumidification and regeneration are carried out continuously, so the dew point of the outlet air can be kept stable.

3. Simple structure

The structure of desiccant rotor dehumidification is composed of a low-speed rotating rotor, a regenerative heater, a blower for dehumidification, and a regenerative fan. The structure is very simple, so the operation and maintenance are very convenient.